Join the MMP today to measure program performance, benchmark results, and discover tools & resources to improve your programs.
Participation is easy & free
The program is free to join and most communities complete the program assessment surveys within 90 minutes.
Powerful analytics
Measure pounds per household, view program tonnage analysis, trend reports, and more.
Standardized surveys
Optimized to streamline data entry, the program assessment surveys are standardized to facilitate consistent measurement.
Benchmark results
Compare your program performance to national averages.
Monitor year-over-year performance
Measure the effect that new programs or initiatives have on annual performance.
Improve programs
Turn insights into action and discover new ways to improve program performance.
Annual Trend
Monitor your annual performance metrics to analyze trends and identify opportunities to make program adjustments. Trend reports are available for the following data points:
- Tonnage Trends
- Contamination Rate Trends
- Lbs/HH Recycling Trend

Pounds Per Household
Analyze the pounds of waste, recycling, and yard & food waste generated by each household served by your collection programs.

Annual Tons Per Program
Measure the total tons of recycling, MSW, and yard & food waste captured by your curbside and drop-off programs.

Pounds Per Household Compared to the U.S. National Average
Compare your community’s per household recycling performance to the national average.

The MMP is available to all municipalities, counties, and regional government agencies delivering residential material collection programs in the U.S. and Canada.